Feline Quality of life. 1. My kitty licks so much that there is a bald red spot. his paws after he eats. my other pet. his whiskers after he eats. None 2. When I pet my kitty she Licks the air. Growls and tries to bite me. lets me pet her for awhile then runs off to play. Rolls over so that I can rub her belly. None 3. When my kitty drinks it is after he has jumped on the counter and demanded I turn on the tap for a fresh slurp. he takes a few laps then lays next to the water bowl. recently he is guzzling the water and I have to fill the bowl every day. about like she always has. None 4. My kitty jumps, up on anything he wants to when I am not watching. on my bed to wake me up every morning. Sometimes, But, I haven't seen her jump on anything recently. My kitty is not jumping and walks very slowly and tentatively. None 5. When I come home I find my kitty, Asleep in her favorite chair. Up to some sort of trouble, playing with something that works as a toy to her. Running to greet me meowing. With some difficulty after a search, hiding out. None 6. My kitty vomits. Rarely. up a hairball once a month or so. sometimes after she eats a big meal like a pig. Every day. once a week. For no reason! None 7. My kitty had a seizure, never, that I know of. once or twice a long time ago. A few times a week. recently it has been ever day. None 8. My kitty purrs. recently all the time when she is eating. and kneeds his feet on my lap. almost never. None 9. When my kitty is walking across the room. His ears are forward, tail is up and he is looking around for something to chase. His ears are froward, his tail is down, and he is looking where he is going. His eyes are squinty or his third eyelids protrude and his tail is down. He sometimes stumbles and falls over He stops and takes a break every once in awhile. None 10. When my kitty is resting her breaths per minute is 10-20. 20-30. 30-40. 40-50. 50-60. None 11. My kitty grooms once or twice a week and still manages to look great. all the time, she is certainly obsessed with feeling clean and looking great. the parts of his/her body that he can reach and frequently has mats and usually looks kind of disheveled. I cant remember the last time I saw any grooming and his/her hair coat is very flaky and dull. None 12. My Kitty likes to Hide behind furniture and jump out at us as we walk by. Lay in her comfy spot and make short trips to the letterbox and food bowl. Run around with her ears pinned back, tail wagging, acting crazy Bring me poor dead little animals for me to find. hide and be left alone. None 13. My cats appetite is Ok but she can be picky at times. Great, not only does she eat her food she is always looking for more. Variable, sometime she wont eat for 3 days then she will eat consistently. About average, she always eats about the same amount. None Please fill in the comment box below. Time's up