Canine Quality of Life 1. My dog smells bad. after he has not had a bath in several weeks. all the time, even after he just had a good bath. rarely. .after he has gone out and rolled in something nasty. None 2. My dog's appetite. Is great, she can hear the food bag from across the house and comes running. Is good but she can be picky and will hold out for certain things. Is ok, but she has been leaving food in the bowl and taking longer to eat it. Is not good at all, i have to bring her the food bowl and sometimes she just turns his head. None 3. My dog likes to be left alone mostly has her comfy spot, occasionally getting up to go to the food dish. Hump on things, other dogs, stuffed animals, me, whatever there is no rhyme or reason. Vigorously shake her toy and keep it away from me. Lay around in her bed all day long. go outside and play in the yard and will pester me until I open the door None 4. My dog has to take medications. just once a month for parasite prevention. every day or she starts to cough and sometimes has shortness of breath. almost never, maybe awhile ago when the vet prescribed after a scuffel or something. every day or she can barely move or stand. None 5. My dog drinks when he is thirsty. All the time he drains a bowl two or three times daily. only if I bring the bowl to him. an average consistent amount. None 6. When I come home my dog is In my front window barking. running to greet me as soon as I open the door. Laying in her spot greeting me with a tail wag. Running around in circles under foot. Sleeping in her house. She cant hear me come home anymore. None 7. My dog vomits, rarely. sometimes after he eats to fast . nasty stuff that he has eaten outside. a lot, sometimes daily. every once in awhile he has a very sensitive tummy. None 8. My dog had a seizure, never, that I know of. once or twice a long time ago. A few times a month. recently it has been ever day. None 9. My dog's respiratory rate when he has been resting is 10-20 breaths per min. 20-30 breaths per min. 30-40 breath per min. 40-60 breaths per min. > 60 breath per min. None 10. My dogs hair is full of mats. is slick and shiny. looks great but needs to go to the groomer often to keep it nice, is flaky and falling out in clumps is missing and his skin is thick, red, or ulcerated. None 11. My dog can walk and easily get up anytime anywhere. Pretty well once he gets up and around. pretty well once he gets up and around but I can tell he is painful. only if I go help him up and he is not steady at all. None 12. When my dog goes to pee He hikes his leg and looks around at many options to do so. She squats and usualy finds a few different spots. He goes out to pee finds a close spot then comes right back in. She sometimes leaks afterword and dosent seem to notice. Sometimes on himself because he does not want to get up. None 13. My dog comes to find me and is happy to see me. True. False. None Please fill in the comment box below. Time's up